Twilight Struggle - Turn Zero Expansion



Twilight Struggle: Turn Zero is a new mini-expansion that lets players explore alternate starting situations for the two superpowers. What if Chiang's forces had held on in southern China? What if Churchill's Tories had won re-election in 1945? And what if the Western Allies had crossed the bridge too far, and reached Berlin first? These and other possibilities that alter the opening setup in Twilight Struggle are now open to players. Both seasoned veterans and new arrivals will enjoy the many new plays and dilemmas introduced here for the first time. This expansion includes the following:

One (1) Turn Zero Rules sheet

Taiwan [3] country counter 
Turn marker (backside is blue and states - US First) 
Defcon 1 Blocked counter
Suez Crisis - No Effect (blue) counter
Socialist Governments - No Effect Turns 1-2 (blue) counter
-2 UK Influence (blue) counter

Six (6) large Crisis cards, with new setup instructions per die roll:
Yalta and Potsdam
Chinese Civil War
1945 UK Election
VE Day
VJ Day

Ten (10) Statecraft Cards:
Soviet cards: Andropov, Khrushchev, Molotov, Beria, KGB (Dummy Card)
US cards: Kennan, Acheson, Marshall, Dulles, OSS (Dummy card)

Two (2) Modified Event Cards
Europe Scoring (Allied Berlin) - Early War 
Nationalist China 2 (US) Early War

Two (2) Card Description sheets (with Optional Space Race Track instructions on reverse)
(Note: The cards described are the cards included in the Promo Deck #1 and Promo Deck #2)

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