Games Workshop: Age of Sigmar - Battletome - Disciples of Tzeentch (83-45)



This 112-page hardback book contains:

– A mercurial maelstrom of background information on the Disciples of Tzeentch, including their nigh-unfathomable plans, how their cults propagate through the Mortal Realms, and legendary figures such as Kairos Fateweaver
– Reams of mind-bending artwork that demonstrates the mutable majesty of Tzeentch
– 31 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for the worshippers of Tzeentch, from braying Tzaangor herds to the spell-stealing Curseling
– Rules for the 8 most prominent Change Covens, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and battle traits like Masters of Destiny and Arcane Armies
– Path to Glory campaign rules that task you with gathering resources for arcane rituals, plus warscroll battalions and Aerial Battles rules for use in narrative play
– Matched play content including 4 grand strategies and 5 battle tactics, as well as a core battalion for Kairos Fateweaver's personal coven
– A showcase of kaleidoscopic Disciples of Tzeentch miniatures in a prismatic explosion of colour, alongside guides on painting them yourself

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